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Newsletter Archives / Spring 2010

 Living Light  Red Symbol  Spring 2010
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Welcome to Living Light News! * Monthly Events *

~ Humanity in Unity Meditation Center

Meditation is a gateway to find peace, love and fulfillment from within, bringing clarity and focus to the brain and rejuvenating health.

You are invited to participate in a non-denominational meditation to learn simple techniques to calm the mind and discover inner peace. All are welcome, beginners and experienced meditators alike!

1st and 3rd Monday of each month, 7pm, $20 suggested donation. (Special Event: April 18th, FREE Sai Maa Diksha Training, 7pm)

Humanity in Unity's vision is the union of humanity consciously awakened as Divine Love in Action.

Her Holiness Sai Maa has developed a technique called "Ananda Jyotir Diksha" (a pure light blessing) which initiates the process of enlightenment within the individual receiving it. This blessing will be freely shared at each meditation gathering.

This bi-monthly event is offered by Humanity in Unity's meditation facilitator, Ilene Fischer, and supported by New Hampshire's HIU Center co-chairs, Helen Cormier and Julianne Santini. To pre-register, please contact Julianne at 603-494-5571.

~ IET Share

Are you new to Integrated Energy Therapy? Come experience the gift of IET firsthand. This healing system focuses on clearing suppressed emotions stored in the cellular memory. Your first sessions will likely focus on using IET to clear the limitations and pain from your past. As this clears, IET is used to help you manifest your life's vision and bring your dreams alive. At the end of a session, it is typical to feel relaxed and refreshed.

Are you an IET student/practitioner that has been longing to review and hone your skills. Come be a part of a supportive network of practitioners. All levels welcome!

IET Share:
2nd Sat of each month,
5-8pm, $20

Pre-registration requested! Please contact IET Master Instructor, Kathy Randlett at 978-459-4614 or Kathy_randlett@comcast.net.

~ Psychic/Medium Practice Group

This monthly meeting is a great way to develop your intuitive skills. Each week there !st will be teachings on different techniques, meditation, Q & A, as well as active practice time for everyone. The group will meet with open-hearted compassion in a judgment-free zone allowing for a safe and sacred space to learn and grow your gifts.

1st Thurs of each month (starting June 3rd), 7-9pm, $15

Pre-registration is helpful, however, walk-ins are welcome. To register, please contact facilitator Lauren Rainbow at at 603-674-6580, or e-mail laurensrainbow@gmail.com.

~ Angels on Assignment

This is a monthly group that is open to those experienced in meditation and/or shamanic journeying. Learn how to journey using your light vehicle and recognize yourself as an "Angel on Assignment." You will work with a community to anchor advanced healing frequencies of light for personal growth as well as healing for the planet. Also, each month experience and practice a series of meditation processes focusing on the keys and codes of consciousness to strengthen your energy body and your soul connection.

3rd Thurs of each month, 7-9pm, $20

This is an ongoing group. If you are interested in this work and desire private training, contact facilitator, Julianne Santini, at 603-494-5571.
Welcome to the Fourteenth Edition of the "Living Light News!"

Our goal is to provide you with an integrated approach to physical and energetic wellness. We offer pioneering healing technologies and advanced tools for spiritual growth.

Living Light creates sacred space for individual sessions and group classes that will empower you to live healthier, be happier and grow faster.

- The Journey of the Shaman
Astrologer Andrea Klim interviewed her guest Julianne Santini who is a Shamanic Practitioner and Teacher on "The Journey of the Shaman."

This show aired live on March 20th on TV23 MCAM. It was a powerful and deeply informative show!

Shamanic techniques are centuries old and can deliver healing both emotionally and physically. Watch the show to find out more. Click here to access the live stream on the web.

Julianne offers a variety of introductory as well as advanced shamanic courses. To experience Julianne's teaching style listen to a pre-recorded conference call. It's simple... just dial 1-641-715-3412 and the access code 491889#. Experience your first guided journey as you learn to step into nature using the senses of a shaman.

Julianne welcomes comments and questions. Feel free to contact her directly at JS@LivingLightLLC.com or at 603-494-5571.

- Sponsored Events

* SHAMANISM with Julianne Santini

Julianne Santini is a graduate of the Foundation of Shamanic Studies 3-Year Advanced Healing Program and Sandra Ingerman's 2-Year Shamanic Teacher Training. She is a member of the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a founding member of the Society for Shamanic Practitioners. Come learn about one of her passions!

*Shamanic Extraction: Sat & Sun, April 17-18, $165

A core shamanic belief is that all illness is caused by spiritual disharmony. One powerful healing technique used in indigenous communities is extraction. This method removes patterns of energy that are part of illness. In this two-day advanced workshop, you will learn various extraction techniques from around the world, discover how to remove unneeded patterns of energy, and learn how to direct them to a place where they will be harmless. Come experience for yourself how removing the spiritual component of illness can open the pathway of healing both physical and emotional symptoms! Please bring a rattle, journey blanket, and a journal.

*Basic Shamanic Journeying: Sat & Sun, July 24-25, 9am-5pm, $165

The shamanic journey crosses the dimensional barrier between time and space. During this journey, the practitioner communicates with spirit helpers and then brings back guidance or healing to assist an individual or community. Come join our circle and learn how to meet and work with your power animals and spirit helpers. Learn about core shamanism, the original role of the shaman in indigenous societies, and the keys to successful journeying in a modern society. Please bring: a journal, bandana or eye-cover, a journey blanket, a rattle, and a rock the size of the palm of your hand.
(*This class is a pre-requisite for all other shamanic classes taught at Living Light.)

*Soul Retrieval: Fri eve, Sat & Sun, Aug 6-8 and Sept 10-12, $635

Soul Retrieval Training is a five-day advanced shamanic course offered over the course of two weekends. Participants will be trained in working with the issue of soul loss, a shamanic belief that our vital essence or soul can become fragmented as a result of trauma. The trauma may have come from emotional or physical abuse, illness, accident or a loss. Through the course, you will learn firsthand how soul retrieval can help the individual rebuild and renew his or her sense of self by welcoming home this pure essence. This course will allow participants to explore methods of soul retrieval as well as after-care to help the client integrate after the healing. (*Pre-requisite: Basic Shamanic Journeying and the practiced ability to connect with one's spirit allies)

Pre-registration is needed for all above classes. Please contact shamanic practitioner, Julianne Santini at 603-494-5571 or at JS@LivingLightLLC.com. (Other classes dates TBA: Shamanism: Dying & Beyond, Entering the Circle: Medicine Wheels & Mandalas, Shamanism & the Cosmos)

* ASTROLOGY with Andrea Klim

In Spring 2009, professional spiritual astrologer, Andrea Klim, expanded to television. She produces and hosts the show, "Turn to the Stars," which is broadcast LIVE from the MCAM Studio in downtown Manchester, NH. See her in action every Saturday evening at 7pm (http://www.mcam.org/mcamtv.htm) as she uses centuries-old astrology as a universal compass to aid humanity in its journey toward self-knowledge and soul-growth. Living Light is proud to sponsor Andrea and her important work "The Promise of the New Moon."

*Discover the Promise of the Full Moon: Sun, April 25, 10am-1pm, $45

During this hands-on workshop you will discover the promise that the energy of the "New Moon" holds personally for you each month and what you will experience in the month ahead. Over the next 6 months, the new moons will be occurring in late degrees of the zodiac signs. If you have planets in late degrees in your birth chart, the information you learn at this workshop will be critical toward your future! I urge EVERYONE to attend! Learn how to astrologically map out and then use that map and knowledge each month as a life management tool. Every month a new moon holds a promise for a new creation. Find out new methods of how you can create positively in your future!

Pre-registration is required. Register for the class by contacting astrologer, Andrea at 603-216-1005 or andrea@turntothestars.com.

* YOGA & REIKI with Connie Price

Connie Price is a certified and experienced yoga practitioner with a vast background in the healing arts. She is a Reiki Master Teacher and is NH certified for Nursing CEU's. She offers private healing sessions, energy anatomy workshops, and evenings of meditation. Her gentle nature and deep connection to the world around her is an inspiration to her colleagues and clients alike. Living Light is pleased to have her as an in-house practitioner.

*Gentle Yoga & Meditation Classes: (4-class series), $15/class

Tuesday evenings (4:30-5:45pm) &/or Thursday mornings (8:30-9:45am)

Join us for the gentlest of yoga stretches and poses with guided-meditation. This three-phase class includes: quiet breath work (a relaxing warm-up series), restorative yoga poses, and a 15-minute guided-meditation.

*Intermediate Yoga & Meditation: Tues evenings (6:15-7:30pm) $15/class

Yoga is a vehicle for experiencing deep levels of awareness of body, mind and spirit. Join us on Tues evenings as Living Light offers the next level of yoga practice. The class remains focused on breath work, intermediate postures and guided meditation. The classes are designed to encourage balance, restore spirit and create space for wellness.

Each class is $15 at the door or receive 10% off when you pre-pay for the series. Class size is limited. Pre-registration for above yoga classes is required! Please contact certified yoga instructor Connie Price at 603-490-2830 or nhprice6@aol.com

*FREE Reiki Level 1 Class: Sat, April 24, 8am-5pm

Reiki is a Japanese healing art created by Dr. Usui in the late 1800's. It is a hands-on practice used to reduce stress, assist in relaxation and facilitate overall health. It works well in conjunction with other therapeutic techniques and is now offered in hospitals around the globe!

**Living Light applauds Connie and her peer Donna Nichols who have decided to give back to the community. They are offering a day of FREE Reiki Training for women in leadership positions. This class is by invitation only; however, if you'd like to nominate a woman leader in your community, please contact Connie at nhprice6@aol.com

* KARUNA REIKI with Helen Cormier

Helen Cormier is a heart-centered healer and teacher with a passion for Reiki. She began her Usui Reiki practice back in 1998. She offers a wide array of other healing modalities: Transformational Breathwork, Shambhala & Karuna Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy and Magnified Healing. She currently works in Human Resources as well as an energy practitioner. She is a gift to her clients as well as students for Helen truly lives what she teaches. Don't miss this opportunity to work with her!

*Karuna Reiki Level 1 & 2: Sat, May 1, 9am-5pm, $150

This class is for advanced Reiki practitioners and Reiki Masters. Additional Reiki symbols and the use of sound for healing are the keys to this healing system. Karuna Reiki is a fun class in which you will learn new symbols and practice chanting and toning them in order to deepen the healing process. This is a great tool for self healing and to share with friends, family and clients. The vibration of the voice acts as a carrier wave for the Karuna Reiki energy to travel on, causing the healing energies to dive deeply into the cells and tissues of the body. The chakras and auras of the practitioner and client are opened more completely, encouraging a wonderful vibrancy within and around them. This experience supports the awakening process, allows one to feel more fully awake, alive and healed.

Pre-registration is necessary to obtain class materials. Please contact Karuna Reiki Master Teacher, Helen Cormier, at 603-434-5131 or reikisport@aol.com for more information.


Earth Centered Awareness Programs to Support Personal & Global Balance: $135 pre-paid for 3 sessions or $55/session

Join Julianne in welcoming guests Laura and Lucca from One Community Programs to build a community of like-minded individuals for a three part workshop series on how to live in happiness, create action to make changes, and maintain personal passion and world balance. The difference in your personal life, your community and the world around you is YOU! Julianne would like to use this group as a catalyst for starting a healing group that meets monthly! Join her and be a part of dreaming this circle into being!

*Sat, May 8, 11am-4pm, Revealing the Nature of Life's Purpose - Uncover the why, how and what of creativity and what limits the access to and manifestation of our true nature, personal passion and life's purpose.

*Sat, June 5, 11am-4pm, Awakening Conscious Choice - Learn to consciously choose thoughts & actions to gain personal freedom & manifest heart's desires.

*Sat, June 19, 11am-4pm, Sustaining Happiness & Creativity - Embrace your true nature and understand how vital your authentic expression is to your personal happiness and sustainable evolution of humanity and the world.

Registration necessary! Contact guest facilitators-Laura Turlington and Lucca Dimatteo at 203-215-0070 or laura@onecommunityprograms.com.

For more information on One Community Programs go to www.onecommunityprograms.com.


Below are the new programs that Sai Maa's Master Teachers have developed. They will begin in June and be taught all across the US. These workshops will create a Shakti wave unifying each of these groups and building a huge grid of light. Come for your own enlightenment as well as to anchor the light for humanity!

*Living a Heart-Centered Life: Sat, June 12, 9am-4pm, $88
When you live a heart-centered life you are able to fully participate in relationship with yourself, others and the activities of your life in a peaceful, joyful manner. This program provides a platform for you to learn to express through a loving mind and experience the tools to move into a full-heart-contact experience!

*Beyond Beliefs, Perceptions and Projections~
Discovering the Truth of Who You Are: Sat, Oct 16, 9am-4pm, $88

In this workshop, accessing and utilizing a childhood experience, you will explore the beliefs, projections and perceptions that have formulated your life as you live it today. Through safe and gentle progression, you will transform limiting experiences and release the emotional energy held into a new unbounded expression of Self.

(Programs to follow: Harmonize the Chakras & Subtle Bodies: Live in the Flow of Life and Using Divine Light for Transformation. Dates TBA)

*FREE Master Teacher Meditation Programs: Fri Eve, June 11 and Oct 15, 7-9pm
Each Master Teacher Program will have an accompanying free introductory evening of meditation the Friday before the event. Sai Maa's Master Teachers will lead Guided Meditation and offer Sai Maa Diksha, a powerful technique to illuminate the brain. All are welcome, beginners as well as those experienced in meditations. Donations graciously accepted.

*Personal Sessions, Sat, June 12 & Oct 16, 4-6pm, $144
Personal sessions were created by her Holiness Sai Maa to help each of us accelerate our movement into Divine Light. Using both spiritual and energetic methods, the purpose is to open gateways to higher consciousness and provide alignment to the process of enlightenment and ascension. It facilitates an awakening in the spiritual body and moves one deeper into a realization of the Higher Self, the I AM or Divine Light Presence. The focus is on bringing in this supra-mental light (the light of God as energy) into the personality and into the subtle bodies. (These are intense healing sessions facilitated by several Master Instructors and Transformational Healing Practitioners. Archangel Michael Selenite swords are also used during the session.)

* PSYCHIC AWARENESS with Lauren Rainbow

Lauren Rainbow is a Psychic Medium. In 2009, Lauren was honored as the "Best Psychic in NH" by New Hampshire's Magazine. In a session with Lauren, you can look into the present state of your life and receive empowering guidance to help you create the future you want. As a medium, Lauren can also connect to your dearly deceased and bring healing messages from the beyond. Lauren has been featured on several radio stations in NH including WZID, The Wolf and the Planet as well as spiritual Blog Radio Show :Walking the Path.

We're thrilled Lauren is now calling Living Light her new home Come experience her psychic gifts! You are welcome to schedule in-person or phone sessions with her. Fees: ½ sessions are $45, and 1 Hour $65. To schedule, please contact Lauren at 603-674-6580 or laurensrainbow@gmail.com. Also check out her "Psychic Medium Practice Group" under the Monthly Event Section.

For more information about Lauren, go to www.Laurensrainbow.com.

* MASSAGE with Bernadette Binnie

Bernadette Binnie is a great addition to the Living Light team! She is a Licensed Massage Therapist of Empyrean Massage & Bodywork. She offers Swedish, Deep Tissue, Ayurvedic Stone Healing Therapy, Sports, Reflexology & Reiki. She is currently extending her $40 Special on 1-Hour Swedish Massages. Go to www.myempyreantouch.com to take advantage of any new offers. To schedule an appointment, call Bernadette at 603-660-2113. Come experience her healing hands

* NATURAL HEALTH with Andrea Paquette

Andrea Paquette is a holistic nurse practitioner that provides natural remedies and healing services to those who wish to reach their optimal health. She specializes in weight and stress management, lifestyle coaching and mental health issues. Are you interested in weight loss this spring? You can register with her to participate in an 8-week Transitions Lifestyle System Program or the new 30 Day Program. For more information, contact Andrea at 603-620-3002 or andreapaquette@gmail.com to schedule an appointment.

* IET with Kathy Randlett

Kathy is an IET Master, Shamanic Practitioner and Reiki Practitioner. She is an avid student of spirituality and energy healing. She believes children possess the natural ability to heal and have a strong connection to spirit. In this light, Kathy would love to share and help them re-member what they already know. Living Light celebrates Kathy's affinity for both angels and children!

*Integrated Energy Therapy (Basic, Intermediate & Advanced)
In the tradition of Caroline Myss's "Energy Anatomy," IET is one of the next generation's hands-on energy therapies that get the "issues out of your tissues." IET is based on a unique Cellular Memory Map developed by Steven Thayer in which nine primary areas of energy anatomy are targeted. Come learn where you hold suppressed emotions and trauma in your body and techniques to clear the limitations and pain from your past. Are you ready to manifest your life's vision and bring your dreams alive? Come learn this healing system as a gift to yourself or others. Manual and certification provided.

~Basic/Intermediate/Advanced IET Classes: TBA
~IET for Kids & Lil Spirits Class: TBA

To put a weekend event on the calendar, please contact Master Instructor, Kathy Randlett at 978-459-4614 or kathy_randlett@comcast.net.
(* NOTE: If you are interested in taking a private class on a weekday, please contact Master Instructor Julianne Santini at 603-494-5571.)

* LIFE CYCLES with Julianne Santini

Julianne Santini is a registered nurse with a private practice that focuses on personal transformation through energy balancing and coaching. She has received her certification in Charting Your 7 Life Cycles through ESOCEN. She has further studied the cycles of life from the writings of H. Spencer Lewis and the Rosicrucian Order (a group of men and women dedicated to studying the laws of nature in order to live in harmony with them).

*Charting Your Life Cycles, 1 1/2hour session, $110 (Cycles Analysis included)
Come experience a personalized coach-healing session that focuses on your 7 Life Cycle. Learn how to reduce your stress, optimize your health and relationships, and maximize your career and family life by understanding the flow and rhythm of your 52-day cycles. Use this information to make schedules, plans and decisions according to the science of right timing. You may never think about time the same way again!

"Time is made of Divine Substance. Management of Time is management of the substance of life. Misusing time is desecrating life." -Master Del Pe, ESOCEN

Let Julianne teach you how to surf the cycles of the year. Plus, explore your innate gifts and the characteristics of your personality & relationships. Individual or corporate sessions are available. To schedule an appointment for yourself or your office, contact Julianne at 603-494-5571 or JS@LivingLightLLC.com

* Friends of Living Light

Donna Mitchell-Moniak at

The Practice of Living Awareness-this four-day meditation retreat (offered June 30-July 4 in Leyden, MA) provides instruction, group meditation, meals, lodging and energetic support for you to become aware, awake and realized. In this way, every person can become a part of the growth and change of consciousness in the world. To request more information, go to info@spiritfire.com.

Lisa Jones at

Lisa Jones has taught breath awareness classes since 1998. She received her first Breath Facilitator Certification from the Transformational Breathwork Foundation and then went on to graduate from the Power of Breath Institute, meeting requirements for certification by the International Breathworker's Training Alliance. Lisa is the owner of Nia NH and Yoga in Amherst, NH. She is a welcomed guest at Living Light. For more information, go to www.niaandyoga.com.

Beth Crawford at

Beth Crawford is a well-respected local Reiki Master Teacher-dedicated to the goal of bringing Reiki into the "mainstream." Beth is an insured member of IARP, an ordained interfaith minister, a NH Notary Public, and a student of self realization and Paramahansa Yogananda. She received her Usui/Tibetan Master Teacher Training from William Lee Rand of the International Center for Reiki Training. Living Light congratulates her on her growing practice! Check out her new space and visit her at www.BethCrawford.com.

40 So. River Rd., #63 Bedford, NH 03110
Design by - AJ Consulting / © 2010 Living Light LLC

Julianne Santini, RN PHN
Living Light, LLC Manager
40 So. River Rd., #63 Bedford, NH 03110
phone: 603-494-5571
email: JS@LivingLightLLC.com


© Copyright 2010. Living Light, LLC. All rights reserved.