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Newsletter Archives / Fall 2007

 Living Light  Red Symbol  Fall 2007
Julianne's Living Light Newsletter Logo
Welcome to Living Light News! * Monthly Events *
~ IET Share
Have you been looking for a safe place to hone your IET skills and gather with other like-minded practitioners? Come to a monthly IET Share!

Certified IET practitioners of all levels are welcome to join us on the first Sunday of each month from 2-7pm starting this Novemeber. You will have time to receive and practice a one hour IET session.

Call IET Master Instructor Kimberly Barrett at 540-0946 to reserve your time slot.
Fee: $20

~ Meditation Class
Whether you are a business professional, a busy parent, or both, meditation can help you to live a healthier, happier and more balanced life. Come to this group meditation and receive healing, energy and guidance to help you move forward.

Join us on the first Thursday of each month for a group meditation from 7-8 pm.

Fee: $20
To register: call Julianne Santini, RN
At 603-494-5571

Facilitator: John Mercede is a coach-healer trainer. He draws his expertise from dedicated training and 15 years of experience as an engineer, elite athlete, seminar leader, program consultant, and healer. He has trained extensively with ESOCEN and is certified by Del Pe as an Inner Powers Healer and Trainer for ESOCEN classes.

~ Shamanic Journeying Circle
A shamanic practitioner uses a practiced focus to enter into an altered state of consciousness which is often called the shamanic journey. The shamanic journey crosses the dimensional barrier between time and space and is used to bring back guidance or healing to assist an individual or community.

This is a closed circle that meets the second Friday of each month from 7-9pm. Donation: $20

*New Circle* If you are interested in learning how to journey or how to take your personal practice further, a new journeying circle will be forming January 2008. Contact Julianne Santini at 603-494-5571 for more details.

Facilitator: Julianne Santini, RN trained extensively with the Foundation of Shamanic Studies in Advanced Shamanic Healing and is a graduate of Sandra Ingerman's Two Year Shamanic Teacher Program. She is a member of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and a founding member of the Society for Shamanic Practitioners.

~ Reiki Share
Come experience the healing art of Reiki. This hands-on practice is used to reduce stress, assist in relaxation, and facilitate health. It works well in conjunction with other therapeutic techniques and is effective in relieving side effects and promoting recovery.

This Public Clinic and Reiki Share is offered on the 3rd Sunday of every month from 6-9pm.

Meet and Greet: 4-5:30pm - Open house to learn about Reiki

Public Reiki Wellness Clinic: 6-7:30pm - 30 minute blissful Reiki session - Fee: $20
(Registration required)

Reiki Practitioner Share: 7:30-9 pm - For students and certified practitioners to hone your skills and enjoy a treatment. Fee: $10

For more information and registration please contact: Beth Crawford at 603-425-6977. Beth is a Usui Master Teacher that trained and was certified by William Rand.

Welcome to the Fourth Edition of the "Living Light News"!

Our goal is to provide you with an integrated approach to physical and energetic wellness. We offer pioneering healing technologies and advanced tools for spiritual growth.

Living Light creates sacred space for individual sessions and group classes that will empower you to live healthier, be happier and grow faster!
- Divine Messages
We are all connected to Spirit, each other, and every living thing. If we put out a question to the universe, the world will reflect back to us the answer. We just need to be fully present to receive the memo!

I invite you to participate in an experiment. Hold a thought or a question in your mind. Open to receiving the answer to that question throughout your day. Maybe the answer will come from a book that you pick up or advice from a friend, maybe even an advertisement on a large billboard. One never knows how the universe will respond. For me, that's half the fun!

I can be walking in nature contemplating a situation, and Spirit uses the natural elements around me to respond. I may be wondering if a move is the most appropriate choice for my family when a fallen tree catches my attention. In that moment, I might feel "up-rooted." At another given time that same fallen tree might invoke enthusiasm and look like "a bridge to new possibilities." Indigenous communities all over the world look to nature for information and counsel. They listen for the Divine to communicate through the presence of plants, animals, and even weather patterns.

No matter what the surroundings, the Divine can always find a creative way to communicate. If one lives in a major city, one's natural surroundings might be high-rises, street signs, and bumper-to-bumper traffic. Strange as it may sound, I've received some of my most insightful and timely messages from Spirit off vanity license plates - a sure sign of being a shamanic practitioner in the 21st century!

Everyday the world greets us, and if we choose we can become more and more aware of our inter-connectedness to all things. This is an amazing journey!

Happy continued awakenings!
Julianne Santini
Living Light, LLC, Manager

- Kid's Corner
The wisdom of a child never ceases to amaze me. I asked my son what he'd like to learn to do over summer vacation. Without hesitation, he replied, "Skydiving or mountain climbing."

I must have reacted like a deer staring into oncoming headlights. That was not the answer I had expected.

"You have face your fears sooner or later," he explained. How amazing to be ready to face ones fears head on at age 11. Way to go, Marco!

Have you been inspired by your son or daughter, grandchild or student? Share your stories with us at js@LivingLightLLC.com.

- Sponsored Events
Magnified Healing is a powerful healing modality that is centered in compassion and love. A great class for beginners as well as those already versed in healing systems. Through this course you will learn how to sensitize, awaken, rewire and connect the nervous system, scan and heal the body, stimulate the calcium on the spine, balance the charkas, heal karma and much more. The class includes a manual, essence, practice CD, and certificate.

Sat., Sept. 29, 10am-4pm, Cost $150

Reserve your spot by calling facilitator Kimberly Barrett at 603-540-0946 or emailing her at elphchick@msn.com. To learn more about this nationally recognized healing system, go to www.magnifiedhealing.com.

In the tradition of Caroline Myss's "Energy Anatomy," IET is one of the next generations hands-on energy therapy systems that gets the "issues out of your tissues." IET is based on a Unique Cellular Memory Map developed by Steven Thayer in which nine primary areas with the energy anatomy are targeted. Come learn where you hold suppressed emotions and trauma in your body and techniques to clear the limitations and pain from your past. Are you ready to manifest your life's vision and bring your dreams alive? Come learn this healing system as a gift to yourself or others. Manuals and certification provided.

Sun., Nov. 11, 9am-5:30pm, Cost $165

Sat., Dec. 15, 9am-5:30pm, Cost $215

Sat., Jan 5, 9am-5:30pm, Cost $215
(Cost to review a class is $75.)

To register for the above classes, contact IET Master Instructors Julianne Santini at 603-494-5571 or Laura Getchell at 603-438-5924. (Note: If you are interested in the option of an IET class on a weekday, please contact Julianne Santini.)

Receive wonderful energetic initiations, play with angelic energies and learn techniques to bring Ariel, Raphael, Gabriel, Celestina, Faith, Cassiel, Daniel, Sarah, and Michael right to you! These nine distinct Angelic Energies can be used to clear energy blockages in your body. Such blockages disrupt the body's natural balance and may prevent you from manifesting your heart's desires! Come experience each angelic presence and discover how you can be assisted in any area of your life...just ask! Those attending will receive a certificate of completion from the Center of Being and a manual to assist the journey outside of class. (No prior angel experience needed.)

Sun, Oct. 14, 9am-4pm, Cost $95

For more information or to register for this magical day, please contact Laura Getchell at 603-438-5924.

Just as the calendar year has its seasons, people have seasons as well. This four hour seminar will help you to learn the periodic flow and rhythm of your yearly 52-day cycles. Use this information to make schedules, plans and decisions according to the science of right timing. Reduce your stress, optimize your health and relationships, and maximize your career and family life. Gain deeper insight into past events and client health. Use the cycles as a new tool and psychology to help guide your future personally and professionally.

Sat., Nov 3, 1-5pm, Cost $95

Facilitator: ESOCEN's Coach/Healer/Trainers, Melissa Gurry and Donna Sommers
For reservations, contact Julianne Santini at 603-494-5571.
4 CEU's (Continuing Education Units) available for Nurses with this course.

Reiki is a Japanese technique for relaxation and stress reduction that also promotes healing. It can be used to bring relief from pain, surgical procedures, chemotherapy, immune dysfunction, mental and emotional distress, and so much more! For information on private sessions, Reiki Shares and classes, please contact Master Instructor Beth Crawford at hm: 603-425-6977. Note:Reiki Level I/II may be taken together in one weekend.

Level I Cost: $125. Level II Cost $225. ($25 discount when you enroll in both classes). Tuition includes: Reiki manual by William Lee Rand, Reiki certificate and certificate of lineage.

REIKI Level I/Level II
Sat., Sept. 22/ Sun, Sept. 23
Sat., Oct. 20/Sun., Oct. 21
Sat., Nov. 17/ Sun., Nov. 18

Karuna Reiki can be defined as the "Reiki of Compassion." This system was developed by William Lee Rand and other healers at the International Center for Reiki Training. It offers a deeper understanding of how the attunement processes, symbols and healing energies work. Course prerequisite: Reiki Master Certificate of either Usui or Shamballa lineage.

Karuna Level I
Sat., Oct. 27, 9am-5pm, Cost $150

Karuna Master Instructor Level
Sun., Oct. 28, 9am-5pm, Cost $200
(*Both classes taken in one weekend, Cost $300)

For more information or to register for classes, contact Karuna Master Instructor, Helen Cormier, at 603-434-5131 or online reikisport@aol.com.


40 So. River Rd., #63 Bedford, NH 03110
Design by - AJ Consulting / © 2007 Living Light LLC

Julianne Santini, RN PHN
Living Light, LLC Manager
40 So. River Rd., #63 Bedford, NH 03110
phone: 603-494-5571
email: JS@LivingLightLLC.com


© Copyright 2007. Living Light, LLC. All rights reserved.